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Our Orange County Healthcare Round Table meets on the 1st Wednesday of the Month (with the exception of some holidays)
Lessons Learned in Product/Service Line Extension in Healthcare
How You've Achieved Your Company's Top Growth Initiatives
The Implications of Orange County's Strategic Plan for Aging for Your Business
Creating & Sustaining a Great Culture in a Metrics-Driven Organization
Lessons from Integrating Acquisitions
Moving to Value-Based Contracting
Opioids: The Crisis & The Cure
Lessons from Turnarounds, Restarts, & Reinventions
Patient Engagement: New Tools and Approaches
Leveraging Your Millennial Workforce
It's the Day After the Elections: Now What?
How AI & Big Data are Changing Healthcare
Using Technology (& Socialization) to "Square the Age Curve"
Implications of Moving Healthcare into the Home
Field Trip to SOS Center for Health and Innovation