ABL is California’s leading CEO Groups / Executive Forums organization for healthcare and technology business leaders. Its Members are focused on learning strategies, exchanging ideas, and becoming better leaders enabling them to grow their business and outpace their competition.
The groups provide industry leaders with confidential forums, educational resources, and networking events. This is the place where C-level executives can leverage market insights, share business advice and best practices, while making deep connections with their fellow Members. ABL is where breakthroughs happen.
At each industry-focused CEO-peer Advisory session, Members focus on their corporate and professional growth, as well as industry trends affecting their business niches. Beyond each monthly session, these CEO business leaders continue to network and share their expertise to help accelerate each other’s business growth.
"I've been a Member of ABL for the last 15 years. ABL has given me a good group of more experienced executives who've walked in shoes that I am about to walk in."
Ujj Nath, CEO, myKaarma
"Dynamic attendees, energetic discussions and lots of varied and unique perspectives. Really provides thought-provoking dialogue - challenging insights."
Cecile Currier, CEO , CONCERN (EAP) | VP Corp/Comty Health Srvs, El Camino Hospital
"I’ve belonged to a lot of organizations, and ABL is, hands down, the best."
Adam Miller, CEO, Instil
"Setting aside time from my daily responsibilities at the office that allows me to learn and think about trends in the industry and how they may influence or impact my organization."
Grace Li, CEO On Lok Lifeways
"I've been able to use my fellow ABL members as partners and as an informal board of directors, and the Round Tables keep me current on best practices and trends. In all, ABL has been wonderful to me."
Dave Berkus, Chairman, Multiple Portfolio Companies
"ABL has made me a more thoughtful and effective leader in my business. I love having smart conversations with smart people inside healthcare"
Harry Nelson, JD., Founding, Managing Partner, Nelson Hardiman; Board Chair, AATA
"Amazing that so many different segments of the health care delivery space are represented. Great to have each of their perspectives and insights."
Greg Buchert MD, CEO, GSB Health Management Solutions, formerly CEO, Blue Shield of CA Promise Health Plan
“The problem I find with [other] groups is there isn’t enough focus to make it worthwhile. That’s why the ABL Healthcare Round Table works so well, we are all in related businesses.”
Bob Rose, CEO and Co-Founder, MedWand Solutions
"The best thing for me about ABL is the learning that takes place. I enjoy listening to problems my colleagues are facing and then what kind of solutions are there to deal with those problems. In the process, I gain a wealth of knowledge to improve my business."
Satnam Gambhir, Co-Founder and CEO, Envision Financial Systems, Inc
“I am not alone! The connections made across Round Tables are invaluable. I learn something new that's relevant to my field at every meeting. It's my think tank family.”
Debbie Toth, CEO, Choice in Aging
"I got my MBA at university and my PhD at ABL. Some of my closest friends are people I’ve met at ABL. It has opened the door to parts of the Healthcare world that would have been closed to me!"
Dave Sayen, formerly Region 9 Administrator, CMS
"ABL can really be life changing, thank you for making it possible. I can’t believe how much I learn from all of you. Mimi should hand out diplomas!"
George Carpenter, President, CGI Biomed Investments
"I really appreciated all the time for discussion. Light bulbs always go off for me in these meetings! Thank you for bringing such innovative thinkers together to take on really the key healthcare issues of the day."
Bonnie Preston, HHS – Region 9